Jan 13th 10am - Jan 15th 10am

In 2021 Mike and Brett released a 6 week training course that taught people step by step how to make money with affiliate sales using videos and 100% free traffic. This system did very well for both them and the customers. It generated over $100,000 for Brett and Mike, and every single customer that followed the training and took action on it earned affiliate commissions. That right, every single one of them. It had a 100% success rate!

The problem was that many people did not attend the training calls and took no action. Disheartened at the buyers lack of action Mike and Brett stopped selling the training. But then something happened - Artificial Intelligence. Brett realized that using the power of AI he could create a software that automates their training course allowing people to earn affiliate commissions while doing very little actual work!


Get paid 100% commissions on the FE and on OTO1, 50% commissions on the rest of the sales funnel!

Auto Affiliate: $37 @100%
Unlimited Upgrade: $27 @100% + 20% on ongoing monthly sales
Live MMO Training: $97 @50%
Unlimited Agency / Team Accounts: $197 @50%